Practitioner networks in strategic development planning and management have proven to be highly effective mechanisms for enhancing coordination and facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences in SDG implementation.
In the FBiH, these networks consist of representatives from cantonal development planning units responsible for drafting development documents in their respective cantons. The network members convene at least once a year to share experiences and improve the coordination of development policies at the cantonal level. The network of practitioners, and its members, played a crucial role in implementing the Law on Development Planning and Management of the FBiH and its accompanying regulations within the cantons. Under their guidance and oversight, all cantons developed their development strategies for the period until 2027, fully aligned with the SDGs.
Similarly, in RS, a practitioner network was established and played a significant role in the formulation and implementation of the regulatory framework for strategic planning. The RS practitioners network consists of representatives of RS ministries. Through its work, it supports the implementation of the Law on strategic planning and development management in RS.
Additionally, networks of practitioners at the local government level convene to improve capacities and enable an improved implementation of the strategic planning laws. These networks fostered collaboration and cooperation among local government units in strategic planning initiatives.