SDGs Council
Intersectoral Working Group for Monitoring the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs Council)

Based on the Conclusion of the Council of Ministers from the Official Gazette of BiH, no. 54/23, the SDGs Council is established as a temporary, intersectoral body of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the following tasks:
(1) Preparation and presentation at domestic and international conferences:
- a) Annual report on the implementation of the SDGs Framework in BiH;
- b) Voluntary National Review to the UN.
(2) Management, monitoring, reporting, and coordination of processes related to progress in implementing the SDGs Framework in BiH:
- a) Monitoring the implementation of the SDGs Framework by incorporating its elements into the strategic and implementation documents at all levels of government in BiH;
- b) Initiating the development and preparation of analyses and research in cooperation with relevant statistical, scientific research, and other institutions and organizations for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the SDGs Framework;
- c) Providing support for the involvement of socioeconomic partners, such as civil society organizations, the private sector, local self-government units, the academic community, as well as parliaments in the process of implementing and monitoring the SDGs Framework;
- d) Promoting and raising public awareness about the importance of achieving SDGs.
(3) For the purpose of involving a wider spectrum of socioeconomic partners with the aim of collectively directing the implementation of SDGs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the SDGs Framework, particularly in accordance with the principle of “Leave no one behind,” the SDGs Council will, as needed, organize public forums and internet platforms for discussions, consultations, ideas exchange, and the like.
To implement these activities, the SDGs Council will closely collaborate with international partners.

The SDGs Council also has a reporting role:
(1) The SDGs Council prepares the Annual report on the implementation of the SDGs Framework in BiH and the Voluntary National Review to the UN based on data from institutions at all levels of government and international organizations.
(2) During the preparation of said reports, the SDG Council conducts consultations with socioeconomic partners (civil society organizations, the private sector, local self-government units, academic communities).
(3) The Directorate for Economic Planning of Bosnia and Herzegovina submits said reports to the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina for adoption.
The SDGs Council, in performing its functions, coordinates with institutions at all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the institutions of the members of the SDG Council.