The SDG Business Conference is one of the Project’s platform to promote SDGs and raise awareness on the critical role of businesses in delivering on the promise of sustainable and inclusive development. It is an opportunity to mobilize interest and support among businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, shedding light on how they can engage with the SDG framework, driving growth and productivity, whilst at the same time contributing to the better world envisaged by the 2030 Agenda. Importantly, the conference is an opportunity to gain insight into Swedish experiences in this context, with focus on good sustainability practices implemented by Swedish companies.

Welcome Statements

Sezin Sinanoglu
UN Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirko Sarovic
Minister, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Johannes Oljelund
Director General for international development cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden
Keynote Speakers

Ola is a Swedish statistician known for his work for Gapminder on changing the global quality of life. He is the chairman, director and co-founder of the Gapminder Foundation.
Rosling co-founded the Gapminder Foundation together with his wife Anna Rosling Rönnlund and his father Hans Rosling. Since 1999 Ola lead the development of the Trendalyzer software, which was acquired by Google in 2007. At Google Ola and his team delivered the Motion Chart as part of Google Spreadsheets. As Product Manager for Google Public Data Ola then helped democratized access to Public Statistics by developing the infrastructure needed to make official statistics part of Google Search results. For this work he and his wife were awarded with the World Technology Award in Design in 2010.
Ola & Anna went back to Gapminder in 2011 to develop free teaching materials for a fact-based worldview. In 2014 Ola coined the term Factfulness, which Gapminder is now promoting in order to make the education about Sustainable Development less ideological and more fact-based. Together with Anna and Hans, Ola wrote the Factfulness book, launched in April 2018.

Beslik won the Swedish Banking Profile of the Year award in 2016. In 2013, he received the H. M. The King's Medal, 8th size with the ribbon of the Order of the Seraphim from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden for outstanding contributions within Swedish environmental and sustainability theory. He was chosen as a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos in 2011. Stars Fund, the Nordea sustainable fund launched by Beslik in 2011, was chosen as Sweden's best overall equity fund in 2017. It was the first sustainable fund to receive the award.
Sasja Beslik has more than 15 years of experience of advising and working with multinational companies on investment issues in Africa, Asia and former Soviet Union countries. He also has extensive experience of bridging risk to opportunity within ESG (environmental, social and governance), creating commercial strategies for integration of ESG issues into asset management, fund companies and products.

Susanne is currently on the management team and conducts a research program on sustainable fashion aiming to a systemic change of the Swedish fashion industry leading to sustainable development of the industry and wider society. She is also doing research on the concepts of community engagement and is performing studies on the mining industry in South Africa, Sweden and Australia. She is also a member and co-founding partner of the Nordic centre for corporate responsibility, who jointly conducts research with a Nordic focus.

In this role, she supports the development of private-public partnerships in the fields of school nutrition and dairy value chain development in cooperation with food processors, governments, NGOs and development organisations. Ms Eriksson is a member of the Swedish Government’s FAO Committee since 2015 and also represents Tetra Laval in the Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) to the CFS (Committee for World Food Security).
In previous positions, Ms Eriksson has worked with export promotion and export finance in the Swedish Embassy in Beijing, at the Swedish Export Credit Guarantee Board and in the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. She holds a degree in International Business and Chinese from Lund University.

Daniel has been with the company since 2015, and previously worked with sustainability in governmental agencies, telecom and the finance industry. Daniel is now the Director of the project Technology for Good which aims that by 2030 everyone has access to clean water.
Moderator & Mistress of Ceremonies

Jakov Avram
Editing the weekly Al Jazeera Business magazine for the past seven years and is working as a Business journalist at Al Jazeere Balkans.

Emina Pazalja
Producer and host of the Daily News and Regional News at N1 Television, the exclusive regional information partner of CNN.
Local Speakers

Diana Bevanda
Head of learning and development, UniCredit Bank d.d.

Saša Trivić
Assistant director, Krajina Klas

Rešad Behlulović
Director of General Services, Alma Ras

Faris Začina
Founder and CEO, Ministry of Programming

Melika Husić M.
Associate professor at Department of Marketing, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo

Dragana Mujanović
Human resource manager, dm drogerie markt

Vernisa Rejhan
COO, Softhouse Balkans

Bojan Bajic
President, The West East Forum for Ethics and Compliance (WEFEC)

Mirza Bihorac
Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Emir Gusinac
Account Manager, SKF Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mira Stanojevic
Acquisition and Sales Director, Omorika Reciklaza

Selma Masnic
Investment and Environment Manager, Prevent Group CEE

Adin Fakic
Director, Milkos

Mirjana B. Bujanic
Head of the Public and Regulatory Affairs Service for Adria, Coca-Cola HBC

Salih Teskeredzic
Founder and Product Designer, Gazzda

Almir Bajtarevic
Quality and Environmental Manager, Heidelberg Cement