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Decarbonisation Challenge

for Small and Medium Enterprises

The Decarbonisation Challenge, implemented in 2021, was an intervention looking to identify and engage five Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from BIH to recover smarter and better, and to setup sustainable approaches for future operation by piloting specific short-term interventions that would contribute to the decarbonisation of their business operations.

The SME Decarbonisation Challenge contributed to sustainable and green recovery of the private sector in BiH by supporting pioneer companies in:

  •   Decreasing their energy intensity;
  •   Fuel switch from fossil fuels to renewables;
  •   Controlling GHG emissions;
  •   Controlling air pollutant emissions.

The goal of this initiative was to support companies in development of the tangible and replicable approach towards decarbonisation.

UNDP in BIH intends to widen the portfolio of solutions for a sustainable economic recovery and support further transformation of business practices in BIH towards carbon neutrality. The stimulus packages to support the economic recovery will only be just and efficient if they support the transition to a resource-efficient, green, and circular economy.

As many as 38 companies responded to the call for expressions of interest, and following the evaluation of the received applications, five companies were selected to participate. The proposed projects contributed to decarbonisation and show a path towards a central aim of the decarbonisation strategy – getting to net zero emissions and stabilizing climate change.

Bravarija Pile d.o.o. Trn-Laktaši

Bravarija Pile applied with the project “Changing the heating and cooling system and switching to environmentally friendly energy sources”.

Not long before, the company digitized its production and installed photovoltaic cells on the roofs of the halls, which produce energy from renewable sources. The next important step was the replacement of the heating/cooling system, ie the transition from the use of heating oil to environmentally friendly energy sources. With the realization of this project, the heating/cooling of the building was solved in a quality and environmentally friendly way and the emission of CO2 (heating oil) was reduced.

Estimations are that this reduced the company’s annual carbon footprint by 225 tons of CO2.

Imaco Systemtechnik d.o.o. Usora

Imaco Systemtechnik applied with the project “Photovoltaic power plant for own needs”.

The project proposal aimed at the following:

  • own production – clean electricity,
  • reduction of electricity costs,
  • increase of energy efficiency, ie use of solar energy for the purpose of heating and cooling, lighting, reduction of pollution (CO2),
  • social responsibility, 
  • clean environment, 
  • local community.

Estimations are that this reduced the company’s annual carbon footprint by 125 tons of CO2.

profine BH d.o.o.

Profine BH applied with the project “Application of heat pumps in the replacement of heating systems (coal and gas)”.

The project envisaged the replacement of the existing complex heating system from non-renewable sources (coal and gas) and the transition to a heating system via heat pumps.

This reduce the company’s annual carbon footprint by an estimated 27.2 tonnes of CO2.

Ferretto Group Central Europe d.o.o. Usora

The company Ferreto Group Central Europe d.o.o. Usora implemented the project “Energia 30”.

Through it, they set up a solar power plant with a capacity of 30.3 kW installed on the roof of a business hall, thus enabling the exploitation of renewable solar energy, with the aim of reducing the purchase and consumption of electricity purchased from distributors on the market.

With this, the company reduced its annual carbon footprint by 27 tons of CO2.

ZZ „Brka“ Brčko

ZZ “Brka” applied with the project “Decarbonisation of Agricultural cooperative Brka – installation of solar panels”.

The project envisaged the installation of a 54 kw solar power plant. In this way, they made the transfer from non-renewable to renewable forms of energy, and from the electricity obtained through solar panels they plan to fully meet the current needs for electricity, as well as to transfer the water heating system used in milk pasteurization and cheese production to renewable energy sources.

By switching to sustainable heating systems, Agricultural cooperative “Brka” Brčko became the first dairy farm in BIH that applies this technology in production, and at the same time became the first cooperative that gets all its need for electricity from renewable sources.

This reduced the company’s annual carbon footprint by an estimated 225 tons of CO2.

What did the SMEs gain from this process?

The goal of the Challenge was to support companies in development of a tangible approach to decarbonising their business operations.

Once selected for participation in this challenge, SMEs were provided with:

  •   expert assistance customized to the selected company to benchmark their current status on energy and resource use (assessing the energy leaks and potentials for energy switch as well as assessing technological options for an overall reduction of GHG and air pollutant emissions from their business operations). In this way the SMEs were supported in preparation of a longer-term transformation roadmap that contributed to a more systemic decarbonisation effort, with measurable indicators of progress;
  •   small-scale investments in technology or materials essential to kick off or support transformation towards decarbonisation (up to 30,000 BAM per SME), in the framework of sustainability and circularity within the business.

It is important to emphasize that, in addition to the total investment of 150,000 BAM of grant funds, the companies themselves invested an additional 400,000 BAM in these projects, which shows how serious their intentions are to change their business models.

The SME Decarbonisation Challenge contributed to sustainable and green recovery of the private sector in BiH by supporting pioneer companies in:

  • Decreasing their energy intensity;
  • Fuel switch from fossil fuels to renewables;
  • Controlling GHG emissions;
  • Controlling air pollutant emissions.