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Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

An example of good practice

The RS Ministry of Health and Social Welfare funded projects for the provision of support to households in social need through the revenue
obtained though the tax on games of chance in 2015 and in 2017. It funded projects for the support of single parents of children with developmental difficulties and other socially vulnerable families with children with developmental difficulties, in accordance with the
goals defined in the Strategy for Improving the Social Position of People with Disabilities in Republika Srpska 2017–2026.

An example of good practice

By joining the global initiative ‘The Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005–2015’, Bosnia and Herzegovina has made progress on improving the situation of Roma in the country. Bosnia and Herzegovina set the directions in addressing the main problems faced by the Roma population, focusing on education, housing, employment and healthcare. During the period 2009–2016, all levels of government made financial contributions to the implementation of the Roma Action Plan (Council of Ministers, the entities, Brčko District and the cantons). The largest portion of these funds was spent on housing for 3,900 Roma. In 2017–2020, according to the plan, an additional 560 housing units for 560 Roma families will be constructed or reconstructed. During the period 2009–2016, a total amount of BAM 1,722,000 was spent on improving healthcare services for the Roma population. Over the period 2017–2020 an additional 3,700 Roma families in need of some form of intervention in healthcare will be supported and, in this way, provided with better living conditions. In 2009–2016, a total of BAM 4,777,000 of the funds allocated for employment and self-employment was invested in programs for co-financing employment and self-employment for 688 Roma. Co-financing is planned for 628 more Roma people over the period 2017–2020.