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Monitoring and reporting on progress in accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Council for Monitoring the Implementation of SDGs in Bosnia and Herzegovina is assigned for overall monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the SDGs Framework, coordination of the preparation of annual reports and voluntary reviews towards the United Nations. 

Reporting on the implementation of the SDGs Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina is conducted through:

  • The Annual Report on the Implementation of the SDGs Framework in Bosna and Herzegovina and
  • The Voluntary Review to the UN (2023 and 2027).

The Council for Monitoring the Implementation of the SDGs in Bosnia and Herzegovina prepares the afore-mentioned reports based on the data submitted by the institutions competent for coordination of the SDGs implementation at each level, in compliance with the legislation and administrative organization, and through consultations organized by the Council, including also the electronic platform.  All citizens and all stakeholders will have an opportunity to propose activities and policies for faster accomplishment of individual goals, to contribute to monitoring of their accomplishments, and to participate in developing voluntary and regular reports.

The Annual Report on Implementation of the SDGs Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina contains the progress towards the determined development pathways, accelerators and drivers, which contribute to achieving the defined targets of sustainable development.  In parallel, the Annual Report contains the analysis of additional quantitative indicators, which explain the trends regarding accomplishments of the target values, the review of policies contributing to accomplishments of the targets at all levels of government, and particularly within the context of good practices, and other aspects which impacted accomplishments of the targets to the larger extent.

The Voluntary Review towards the UN is submitted periodically to the UN High -level Political Forum.  Besides enabling the review of the progress towards accomplishing Agenda 2030, the purpose of the Voluntary Review is exchange of experiences and good practices among countries in accelerated achieving the SDGs. Preparation of the next Voluntary Review of Bosnia and Herzegovina is envisaged for 2030.

The support to monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the SDGs in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be provided also by socio-economic partners through consultations organized by the Council, including also the electronic platform. All citizens and all stakeholders will have an opportunity to propose activities and policies for faster achieving the individual goals, to contribute to monitoring their accomplishments and to participate in developing the voluntary and regular reports.