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SDG okoliš

Do you invest in decarbonization?

Natural resources and environment left to you by your parents will be in better condition when you leave them to your children?

Are you actively reducing your environmental footprint?

Is your company thinking about innovation? Do you have a plan that gives everyone an opportunity to reach their maximum potential?

Are you actively investing in new technologies and developing your own solutions?

SDG ljudi

Are your employees important to you?

Are you paying decent salaries?

Is business ethics important to you?

Are you investing in innovation and training?

SDG nagrada

Do you offer equal opportunities to everyone?

Do you employ and promote young people, women and people with disabilities?

Are you creating employment opportunities for young people, women, vulnerable groups in your line of work?

Do you have equal rules for all?


Ako je Vaš odgovor "da"...

If your answer is "yes" ...

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How to apply?

The application process is based on the e-application. Using e-forms, companies decide whether to submit applications in one or both thematic areas. More information about the methodology can be found HERE.

Who can apply?

Micro, small, medium, and large companies that apply for the Award and fill out the application form will be considered for the Award. The Award is given to companies and not for specific project in the company.

The Award is open to all private sector companies registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina that employ BiH citizens.

When does the application period ends?

Applications for the SDG Business Pioneers Award in BiH 2023 will be open from 01 January 2023 until midnight 31 March 2023.

How will the winners be selected?

Companies will be awarded in four categories for the results achieved in two themes (e.g. the Award will be awarded in category micro, small, medium and large enterprises for the theme “People”). In addition, Overall Winner will be pronounced. Therefore, the prize will be awarded to a maximum of nine companies.

The evaluation committee will evaluate all applications and shortlist companies in the categories “People” and “Resources and Environment”. The companies shortlisted (maximum 10 by category and theme) will be considered finalists and will be asked to fill in an additional questionnaire that will determine the winners in each category.

How will the Overall Winner be selected?

There will also be an Overall Winner of the competition. The Overall Winner is selected from the companies that earn the most points. Only companies applying in both themes can be declared the Overall Winner of the SDG Business Pioneer Award in BiH (according to the Overall Winner selection criteria). A winner in a particular category and theme may also be declared the Overall Winner.

A company that is declared Overall Winner cannot get the same Award the following year.

When will the winners be known?

The names of the winners of the SDG Business Pioneers award in BiH for 2023 will be announced on 14 June 2023.

NOTE: The project reserves the right to withdraw recognition for SDG Business Pioneers in the event that the company compromises the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda as a whole, or is subsequently identified as a reputational risk for the SDG Business Pioneers campaign or the UN/UNDP.
