Turboservis B-H d.o.o. is the first BiH professional firm for overhaul of turbines, or turbo compressors for all passenger and cargo vehicles, and for other heavy machines and engines. The business began with sale of new turbo compressors and continued with an opening of a workshop for repair of damaged turbo compressors, and finally, the sale included repaired turbo compressors in exchange for old ones. Maintaining reliability and a high level of quality of repaired parts, the company continually creates new value, since, in the process of repairing turbo compressors, Turboservis B-H reuses 90% of existing components, delivering a quality equal to a new turbo compressor, while the remaining 10% is used as recyclable metal. With this process, Turboservis contributes to the achievement of the Global Goal “Responsible Consumption and Production”.