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AWARD 2019


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Softhouse Balkans

Decent Employer with the focus on Softhousers´ fulfillment at work

Softhouse Balkans, through its Softhouse Makes You Grow Program focuses on: 1. Employees, 2. Clients, 3. Local Community. Through the system of support, development and stimulation and inclusion of all team members in the exchange of knowledge and experience, they support the Global Goal “Decent Work and Economic Growth”.

Isatis Software Solutions


With its solution for pharmacology – Ncare SMART Project – Isatis Software Solutions makes a direct contribution to the reduction of disposal of drugs with expired dates and achievement of the Global Goal “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”. This small company also builds upon its innovativeness with a focus on erasing gender inequality by employing women in key leadership positions and ensuring equal rights, opportunities and income for all employees.

Čip Sistemi d.o.o. Sarajevo

Organization of Free Professional Seminars for Engineers and Electrical Fitters

Čip Sistemi d.o.o. Sarajevo offers all its employees – engineers and electrical fitters – quality training in accordance with their individual affinities and needs. Ensuring equal opportunities and possibilities for development of personal and professional skills, without any discrimination or limitation, is a way to make a direct contribution to the achievement of the Global Goal “Decent Work and Economic Growth”.



Efficient Management of Available Resources to Improve Working Conditions

Through its Program – Efficient Management of Available Resources to Improve Working Conditions – Gloria line doo ensures to all employees who have an impact on product quality the required authorizations and skills for improvement of managerial processes, support and cooperation with partners and all other business-related processes. Development of skills and training of employees are stimulated and carried out continually in order for them to acquire new skills, which, combined with training and experience, ensures adequate completion of all processes, contributing to the achievement of the Global Goal “Decent Work and Economic Growth”.

Kakanj Cement

Sustainability Commitments 2030

Kakanj Cement implements Sustainable Development Goals as a continuation of HeidelbergCement Company’s corporate strategy “Sustainability Ambitions 2020”, the focus of which was on five environmental areas: efficient use of resources, climate protection, reduction of environmental impacts, management and promotion of biodiversity, sustainable construction – and these were largely achieved by the end of 2017, while the company is dedicated, through its HR policy and company strategies, to quality management and preservation of human resources. Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals urged HeidelbergCement to base its Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 fully on these Goals and it implies full implementation of as many as 13 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Mistral Technologies

Mistral as a decent place of work

Mistral Technologies developed its internal Skills Academy with regular sessions on exchange of skills and courses, where the employees have an obligation to continue developing their expertise and competences, making contribution to company growth and better business results in the end. Regular activities undertaken on development and support to employees include a transparent flow of information, collection of feedback as well as hiring an English Teacher full-time, and a psychologist who is available for assistance and support to the employees. In this way, Mistral Technologies makes a contribution to the achievement of the Global Goals “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, and “Quality Education”.


UniCredit Bank d.d. Mostar

Employee Experience

UniCredit’s project Employee Experience, supporting the Global Goal “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, is focused on overall experience of employees throughout their working period. The areas covered by the project are: Procurement, Development, Promotion and Employee Care, which UniCredit targeted as the most important impacts on positive working experience with UniCredit. In the course of 13 months, a range of worker-focused initiatives were designed. The initiatives were designed through a combination of methodologies, project management and presentations of achievements before senior and middle management, where the idea had originated in the first place. The project team drew their ideas from the whole organization in the form of surveys and interviews with employees about what, in their opinion, would be useful to introduce – which, in the end, had a great impact on the relevance and usefulness of delivered initiatives.


Creating Quality Jobs and Economic Empowerment of Undeveloped Local Communities

Prevent is the leading supplier in automobile industry and one of the leaders in the region in automotive industry, furniture, fashion and textile industry, metal and plastic components. Within its strategy of empowerment of the local community in municipalities with a low employment rate, Prevent established a branch in Srebrenica for production of emergency brake covers and continued this good practice in Stolac by establishing a branch for production of protective equipment. Prevent contributes to the achievement of the Global Goal “Decent Work and Economic Growth” through Prevent’s Online Academy, which offers its employees a higher degree of engagement and more efficient communication between sectors, while Takt Academy – a unique combination of theoretical and practical knowledge – lays ground for development of skills required for engagement in promising BiH industries.

dm drogerie markt d.o.o.

Employees' Health Care

dm drogerie markt d.o.o., as part of its corporate culture, takes extreme care of health and satisfaction of its employees, with a view to establishing a harmony between corporate and private lives, through permanent health care of both body and spirit. Therefore, dm’s employees, within the scope of their free general medical examinations (close family members have benefits), also have additional examinations, free dental services, and they also have at their disposal a recreation room, yoga organization and psychological counselling. Continuous trainings on health at the workplace, dm Women’s Race, dm Sport Games and Movember lectures dedicated to prostate cancer awareness are just some of the activities with which dm contributes to the achievement of the Global Goal “Decent Work and Economic Growth”.



Turboservis B-H d.o.o.

Overhaul / Repair of Turbo Compressors

Turboservis B-H d.o.o. is the first BiH professional firm for overhaul of turbines, or turbo compressors for all passenger and cargo vehicles, and for other heavy machines and engines. The business began with sale of new turbo compressors and continued with an opening of a workshop for repair of damaged turbo compressors, and finally, the sale included repaired turbo compressors in exchange for old ones. Maintaining reliability and a high level of quality of repaired parts, the company continually creates new value, since, in the process of repairing turbo compressors, Turboservis B-H reuses 90% of existing components, delivering a quality equal to a new turbo compressor, while the remaining 10% is used as recyclable metal. With this process, Turboservis contributes to the achievement of the Global Goal “Responsible Consumption and Production”.

Solar mont d.o.o. Gradiška

Technical and Technological Improvements of Distillery Equipment

The main line of business of Solar mont, based in Gradiška, is production of equipment for processing of medicinal and aromatic plants (steam generators, distillers, ancillary equipment, etc.), production of steel constructions, solar panels, central heating furnaces, fruit, vegetable and medicinal plant dryers and other processing and thermal energy equipment. Solar mont’s best known product is the solar collector for preparation of hot water by means of solar energy, and the basic part of the collector is the solar panel which is entirely a technical and technological solution of Solar mont itself. This invention proved to be extremely efficient in use, and it brought Solar mont many awards. Thus, Solar mont ensures access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy, which is Global Goal 7.

Ljbilje d.o.o. Ljubinje

Increasing Production Capacities and Production of Finished Products Based on Medicinal Plants

Ljbilje d.o.o. Ljubinje is a specialized company operating in the area of agriculture, rural development and development of organic production of aromatic, spice and medicinal plants, based at Ljubinje. The production is organized as a full process – from production of planting material, plant cultivation, purchase of non-cultivated plants to final products (teas, essential oils, fragrance packets, hydrolats, creams). Two working units and four production units take care of the production, distillation and fine processing, resulting in production of cosmetics, working also on the expansion of production capacities and turnout of finished products. This complete cycle makes maximum use of available resources and contributes to the achievement of SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production.

GOLD-MG d.o.o. Donji Žabar

Launching Organic Fertilizer Production Process Using Renewable Energy By-Products

GOLD-MG d.o.o., based at Donji Žabar, was established in 1995 as an individual trading shop whose main line of business was production and sale of cattle fodder. Today, GOLD-MG uses its own renewable energy sources. The innovativeness of the idea reflects in the launching of an organic fertilizer production process using waste by-products (from renewable energy sources) along with making additional income, pronounced energy efficiency and complying with environmental and other positive social principles. GOLD-MG thus supports the Global Goal “Responsible Consumption and Production”. The products meet both the social dimension of sustainable development through competitiveness and availability in rural areas.



ITivity academy

The biggest IT company in BiH – LANACO – demonstrates with its example how one should contribute to the achievement of the Global Goal “Decent Work and Economic Growth” – investing constantly into education and training of its current and future employees. LANACO launched the first free software ITivity academy, which is a unique opportunity for young talented people to make their first contact with software industry on time and properly. For all those who have successfully completed a high school and wish to work in programming, and who have a good knowledge of working with a computer and have the basic command of English – ITivity academy is a real opportunity. With this project, LANACO contributes to the achievement of Global Goals “Quality Education”, which implies the life-long learning concept and “Decent Work and Economic Growth”.

D-Inženjering d.o.o.

Helping the Poor with “A Plate More” with a View to Protecting the Environment

D-Inženjering d.o.o., a company for engineering, design and supervision, was established by the Euro-Asfalt d.o.o. Group at the end of 2009. Another five businesses and business units were registered as part of this company under the brand name “Mrvica” and an Agricultural Cooperative and a Cow and Goat Farm at Nišići. The company has about 70 employees and the ratio of men and women is about the same. “Mrvica” is one of the most prominent food donors for “A Plate More” – a civic initiative whose purpose is to deliver the food left after large events, such as weddings, conferences, receptions, promotions, fast-breaks to persons who need a meal, which is also a contribution to the achievement of the Global Goal “Poverty Reduction”.

Bihaćka pivovara d.d. Bihać

Saving Energy by Using Steam

In the process of beer production in the Bihać Brewery, saving energy – and therefore fuel oil – is a major consideration. In the brewing process, there is approximately 30 hl evaporation in 1.5 h. This steam used to be released directly into the atmosphere, but now it is being condensed in the production line. This heat energy is re-used in certain stages of the production process and in this way, Bihać Brewery participates in the achievement of Global Goal 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production”.

Artisan d.o.o. Tešanj

Production of Energy from Waste

Artisan d.o.o. from Tešanj is specialized for manual production of high-quality furniture from solid wood, modernly designed and it is insisting on manual work that sets them apart from others. The company was established in 2007 thanks to the Ćostović family’s love for wood processing and skills acquired over more than 60 years. The company is export-oriented (97%) and is currently the fastest growing brand under the mark Made in BiH in this industry. Artisan uses the wood raw materials 100% and has no waste. Wood waste is used as fuel for heating. Sawdust is automatically drawn from the machines to boilers and this heat energy is then used for drying and steaming wood and for heating Artisan’s business premises. In summer, the sawdust is used for pellet production. So, Artisan contributes to the achievement of SDG 12.

Kakanj Cement

Sustainability Commitments 2030

Kakanj Cement implements Sustainable Development Goals as a continuation of HeidelbergCement Company’s corporate strategy “Sustainability Ambitions 2020”, the focus of which was on five environmental areas: efficient use of resources, climate protection, reduction of environmental impacts, management and promotion of biodiversity, sustainable construction – and these were largely achieved by the end of 2017, while the company is dedicated, through its HR policy and company strategies, to quality management and preservation of human resources. Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals urged HeidelbergCement to base its Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 fully on these Goals and it implies full implementation of as many as 13 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


Coca-Cola HBC B-H d.o.o. Sarajevo

Protection of Energy Resources and Climate

Through the project of Protection of Energy Resources and Climate, Coca-Cola HBC B-H d.o.o. Sarajevo leads an open dialog with suppliers concerning reduction of CO2 in the entire value chain, from production of raw materials to management of cooling appliances in the market. Caring for resources and environment implies a complex approach through: increasing energy efficiency in business operations; transferring to cleaner energy sources; reducing emissions in value chain; introducing new technologies with low CO2 emissions; promoting good practices and raising awareness of climate change impact. In this way, Coca-Cola HBC B-H contributes to preservation of climate and responsibly manages production and consumption processes, which are Global Goals 12 and 13.

Water stewardship / Water Footprint

Coca-Cola HBC B-H d.o.o. Sarajevo is focused on responsible management of water resources and its water footprint. It is focused on increasing efficiency in water consumption in the processes through reduction of its use, recycling and renewal, and constant investment into new innovative technologies. The goals and directions of action are: sustainable use of water sources; reduced use of water; reduced use of chemicals; treating and purifying waste water; reducing the use of water in the supply chain; protection of local water sources and surface waters; raising awareness of the importance of responsible management of water resources. In these lines of action, Coca-Cola HBC B-H preserves the climate, responsibly manages production and consumption processes, but also has an impact on the water-related eco-system, which are Global Goals 6, 12 and 13.


Animal Waste Processing Plant and Water Recirculation System

AKOVA Group is a company whose line of business is production and processing of poultry, which has a complete production system based on the “farm to fork” principle. It consists of three companies: Ovako, Brovis and Akova Impex, and has about 1000 employees and 100 subcontractors. The products are known under the name OVAKO. In the production process, none of the by-products, not intended for human consumption, are thrown away; they are used as “processed animal protein” as food for farm animals, except fur animals, food for house pets and fish. The water recirculation system, i.e. waste water purification system, enables multiple use of the same water, which means that large quantities of water are preserved rather than lost. With these two modern technologies, AKOVA Group contributes to the achievement of the Global Goal “Responsible Consumption and Production”.


Waste Management and Using Natural Resources Following the Principle of Circular Economy and “Zero Waste” Strategy

Prevent began with protective clothes and today it employs over 10,000 employees in the CEE region, of which 7,000 in BiH. It is a leading supplier in the automobile industry and one of industrial leaders in the CEE region in automotive industry, furniture, fashion and textile industry, metal and plastic components. Prevent produces wood pellets from wood refuse, reduces, separates and recycles waste after production and uses recycled materials. For the purpose of reducing consumption of drinking water, it uses industrial water of inferior quality, from its own wells, for the technological process and sanitary needs. Thus, Prevent contributes to ensuring sustainable forms of consumption and production, which is the Sustainable Development Goal 12.
