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Key principles of the SDGs Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • The governments at all levels in BiH recognize the inherent potential of the implementation of Agenda 2030 and they see it as an opportunity for improvement of social, economic and environmental aspects of life within the country, and for substantial enhancing regional cooperation. Therefore the governments at all levels are committed to jointly achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, in compliance with their constitutional competencies and international principles and standards of human rights.
  • Agenda 2030 is a driver of change for BiH in many ways. The selection of the moment and its universal character offer a unique opportunity for a holistic approach to development, as well as an opportunity for the governments at all levels to work together, learn from each other and to establish strong and open partnerships.
  • BiH endeavors to become a family member of the European Union. The accession to the European Union and Agenda 2030 are the processes which are complementary and mutually reinforcing, which encourage institutions and citizens to strive for a better society and future, where no one will be left behind and where people, prosperity, peace, partnership and care for our planet are at the core of a better and common future.
  • The SDGs Framework in BiH is at the core of Agenda 2030 for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The framework responds to the existing and new challenges through defining broader development pathways, through which the governments at all levels and the society in BiH strive to contribute to accomplishing the SDGs.
  • The SDGs Framework informs future strategic planning processes at the level of BiH, the Republika Srpska, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through these processes, all levels of government will define their priorities, measures, and activities in compliance with the constitutional competencies and will ensure the contribution for implementation of Agenda 2030.
  • All levels of government in BiH will strive to additionally foster the strategic development planning and management systems, because the coherent systems, strong inter-sectoral links and coordination are of paramount importance for efficient planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting on Agenda 2030.
  • While mainstreaming Agenda 2030 in strategic documents, the governments at all levels will endeavor to encourage a participatory approach, in which all stakeholders will have a role for creating a sustainable society. In that sense, the efforts will be made to focus on women’s real needs and perspectives and also of all those who are in an unfavorable position and who often have the least benefits from the development processes.
  • The governments at all levels commit themselves to target funds for implementation of the priorities determined in their strategic documents, aligned with the SDGs. At the same time, the governments at all levels will explore the ways for financing Agenda 2030 through establishing partnerships with global partners, the private sector and other financial sources, with an aim of determining and using new business models and long-term investments.
  • The governments at all levels in BiH are committed to establish a functional system for long-term coordination of implementation as well as monitoring and reporting on Agenda 2030.