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Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

An example of good practice

The Canton of Sarajevo has the best developed air quality monitoring network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, consisting of six reference AQ monitoring stations which send real-time data to regularly updated websites for public information. Sarajevo is also the only canton that has an active peak pollution days intervention plan.

An example of good practice through partnerships

The institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the continued support of the international community, have been engaged in the reconstruction of the water supply infrastructure during the post-war period. One example is the project for the reconstruction of the water tower Zeravice in the Municipality of Gradiska in Republika Srpska, which is vital for water supply to the municipality. The water tower was constructed in 1965 and prior to the project had not been reconstructed. The European Union funds the project with cofinancing from the Municipality of Gradiska and it is implemented by UNDP. The project will ensure higher quality water supply to 46,000 beneficiaries, including all vulnerable groups.

An example of good practice through partnerships

In order to create the preconditions for environmentally friendly waste management in the municipalities of Bosanska Krupa, Buzim and Cazin in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the separation of secondary raw material and the disposal of useless waste, UNDP supported the ‘Sustainable Waste Management Project’. The project encompasses the development of technical, investment and environmental documents in support of the rehabilitation and gradual closure of the Mezdre-Vlaski Do landfill site, pending the creation of a regional landfill site and construction of a recycling center for the three municipalities. The Government of Switzerland funds the project.