Ceco Gaković is an IT expert who has more than 20 years of successful business experiences in the Silicon Valley. During his rich career, even before social media, he was a part of many successful Internet and mobile startups, creating client portals such as U2.com, Madonna.com, NFL, NHL, NBA, Weather.com, National Geographic, Martha Stewart Omnimedia, Harley Davidson, HBO, History Channel, Travel Channel, NBC Universal, Guinness World Records, etc. He worked in ten countries, on four continents.
In 2012, he founded the CityOS Foundation, where he dedicates time to help and promote the Smart Cities project. In 2014 CityOS team kicked off their European journey with Brave Startup program attended by 180 students and professional with a simple goal to awake best in them and start their Internet businesses. To many of them, this gave freedom to choose where and when they will work, freedom to choose to work only with people they respect, freedom to work on something meaningful, challenging, something that create real value and legacy. Freedom to push their limits every day.
Learn about stories of 2500 brilliant and skilled students and professionals from computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering, urban architecture, traffic, biology, and other related disciplines that have since joined this revolution in education and developing new product and services. After helping many cities, startup hubs and labs Ceco will share CityOS Foundation innovative approach that speeds up product development often up to 10x times and brings sparks of innovation even in some of the least expected places like city government services and big corporations.
You have the chance to hear Ceco Gakovic on 10. June from 12h via Live Stream, but also live at the amphitheater “Centrotrans” at the Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo.