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The focus of the Award is decarbonization and creation of quality jobs

The SDG Business Pioneers Award is the final event of the yearly competition for business leaders of sustainable development, which aims to promote private sector efforts in the field of sustainable development in the country. In 2022 a fourth generation of the business leaders of sustainable development will be announced. This activity is organized under the framework of the “SDGs Roll-out Support and Private Sector Engagement” Project, implemented by UNDP BiH and financed by Sweden.

The SDG Business Pioneers Award sheds light on the efforts of the private sector companies relating to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in BiH and motivates new entrepreneurs to create their business models in alignment with the SDGs. The Award aims to promote private sector efforts in the field of sustainable development, with a special focus on creating quality jobs and environmental protection. Therefore, companies can apply in two thematic areas – “People” and “Resources and Environment”.

The thematic area „People“ focuses on recognizing companies that create new and quality jobs by offering an equal opportunity to all and having rules that apply to all. Through this area, companies that work on creating opportunities for employing youth, women, categories at risk, etc., are recognized. At the same time, it is aimed at recognizing companies that pay wages that allow their employees to live with dignity, those that emphasize the importance of ethics in their business, and those that invest in innovation and training of their employees.

The thematic area „Resources and Environment“ is directed at recognizing companies that actively work on reducing their ecological footprint, those that invest in new technologies and develop their own solutions. If your company abides by certain ecological standards, if it invests in techologies to decrease its negative impact to the environment, such as installing solar panels, recycling production materials, decreasing the usage of electric energy, transitioning to more efficient and more ecologically sustainable production materials, etc., then your company is a good candidate for this thematic area.

The evaluation methodology was developed based on the UN Global Compact Methodology and the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards and was adapted to the local context.

The application call is open from 14 January to 15 April 2022.

The application process is based on the e-application acccessible via Using e-forms, the companies decide whether to submit applications for one or both thematic areas. For more information, visit

Micro, small, medium, and large companies that apply for the award and fill out the application form will be considered for the Award and the companies will be evaluated only against companies in their size categories. Companies will be awarded in four categories for the results achieved across two themes (e.g. the Award will be awarded to micro, small, medium and large companies for the theme “People” separately). Therefore, the prize will be awarded to a maximum of nine companies. The evaluation criteria are the same for all.

Only the companies applying in both themes can be declared the Overall Winner of the Award (the Overall Winner is the company with the greatest sum of points accross both thematic areas).

The applications are evaluated by an evaluation panel following the critera developed based on the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards. After completing the application, the companies have a basis for the yearly report on sustainable development of the company that would allow to track the state and the trend of alignment of business with the SDGs, and the more companies fill these reports in, the easier it is to track this on the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina at large too. The evaluation methodology can be accessed via

The winners and the finalists will be awarded a certificate and will be able to use the awarded recognition in their business communication as well as their e-platforms. At the same time, UNDP will promote these companies through its communication channels.

By applying, the candidate companies motivate other actos in the private sector to include the SDGs in their business models, thereby contributing to a faster and more certain sustainable development path of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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