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On 01 January 2023, the call for 5th generation of the SDG Business Pioneers Award in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be opened. The SDG Business Pioneers Award in BiH is the annual award in Bosnia and Herzegovina aiming to promote the private sector’s efforts in the field of sustainable development in the country. The Award puts a spotlight on the exceptional companies from BiH that can serve as role models for others. It is organized under the programme “Translating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina into sustainable and inclusive growth (SDG2BIH)” which is financed by Sweden and implemented by UNDP in partnership with UNICEF and UN Women under the United Nations’ overall support extended to the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to implement the SDG Framework in BiH.

Does your company need a sustainable New Year’s resolution?

The main aim of the SDG Business Pioneers Award in BiH is to recognize and highlight efforts of private sector companies towards achieving the SDGs in BiH. The Award also aims to motivate companies to create decent jobs, improve their business models while reducing their ecological footprint through adherence to SDGs.

SDG Business Pioneers Award 2023

The application process for the SDG Business Pioneers Award 2023 opens on 01 January 2023 and will last until 31 March 2023. All privately owned companies, registered in BiH, regardless of their size (micro, small, medium and large) are eligible to apply. The process is based on e-application.

The application process follows specific Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards in social, environmental and economic dimension and help companies to position themselves to improve their sustainability practices in-house. By filling in the application, each company gets a blueprint for their first annual sustainability report – identification of SDGs in focus, benchmarking the goals and analyzing the paths to achieve it. Yes, we do encourage you to become a member of the UN Global Compact, family of companies that report and share their progress globally!

The finalists will be promoted through communication channels controlled by the SDG2BiH programme, as well as communication channels of donors and partners, and the final award winners will be announced and presented with their trophies at a formal SDG Business Pioneers Awards ceremony which will be organized on 14 June 2023.

As in previous years, we will have two general themes (People and Resources & Environment).

People – New and Decent Jobs

The SDG Business Pioneers Award 2023 in this theme will be awarded to companies that inspire others in the way they treat their employees and clients and create decent jobs (SDG 8 and SDG 10). Particular spotlight will be put on companies that are leaders in employment of youth, women, highly qualified staff, and employees coming from vulnerable groups (SDG 5). The award will also promote productivity, breadth and depth in the sales and supply chain (SDG 9), community relations, as well as ethical business and solutions that lead to company-wide zero-corruption policies (SDG 16).

Resources and Environment – Decarbonization and Innovation

The SDG Business Pioneers Award 2023 in this theme will be awarded to companies that put focus on the decarbonization process and actively reduce their environmental footprint, as well as to those that purposefully and continuously improve their value chains (SDG 12 and SDG 9) and actively contribute to the development of their communities. Development, new technologies, and the in-house innovation process (SDG 5 and SDG 11) will be rewarded.

In 2023, we calibrated the methodology to put spotlight on companies that increase productivity, promote innovation and meaningful impact in their value chains.

How to apply?

The application process is simple and is structured in two steps. The first step can be finished in less than 30 minutes and it gives an overall indication on the status of the company. The process follows GRI standards that allow companies to measure their performance based on international standards.


All finalists and all winners of the Award are authorized to use e-logo “SDG Business Pioneer Award 2023 Winner/Finalist” in their web and business communication.

Why should I apply?

Businesses that are adopting sustainable strategies and practices are improving their competitiveness and have better medium and long-term economic results. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as guidelines for businesses to assess and manage social, economic and environmental risks, while at the same time improving their reputation, image and strategic position in the world’s markets.

Some of the winners of the SDG Business Pioneers Award in BiH include dm, Ministry of Programming, Heidelberg Cement, Klika, Mistral, Isatis, Dekonta, SEEBA, Stitch 22, Lanaco, Sumska Tajna and many more…