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SDG okoliš

Do you invest in decarbonization?

Natural resources and environment left to you by your parents will be in better condition when you leave them to your children?

Are you actively reducing your environmental footprint?

Is your company thinking about innovation? Do you have a plan that gives everyone an opportunity to reach their maximum potential?

Are you actively investing in new technologies and developing your own solutions?

SDG ljudi

Are your employees important to you?

Are you paying decent salaries?

Is business ethics important to you?

Are you investing in innovation and training?

SDG nagrada

Do you offer equal opportunities to everyone?

Do you employ and promote young people, women and people with disabilities?

Are you creating employment opportunities for young people, women, vulnerable groups in your line of work?

Do you have equal rules for all?


If your answer is "yes" ...

If your answer is "yes" ...

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Companies can apply for the award for the theme “People” and/or for the award for the theme “Resources and Environment”.

People – New and Decent Jobs

The SDG Business Pioneers Award 2021 in this theme will be awarded to companies that inspire others in the way they treat their employees and clients and create decent jobs (SDG 8 and SDG 10). Understanding the consequences of the pandemic, particular spotlight will be turned on companies that lead in the employment of youth, women, highly qualified staff, and employees coming from vulnerable groups (SDG 5). The award will also promote breadth and depth in the sales and supply chain (SDG 9), community relations, as well as ethical business and solutions that lead to company-wide zero-corruption policies (SDG 16).

Resources and Environment – Decarbonization and Innovation

The SDG Business Pioneers Award 2021 in this theme will be awarded to companies that put focus on the decarbonization process and actively reduce their  environmental footprint, as well as to those that purposefully and continuously improve their value chains (SDG 12 and SDG 9) and actively contribute to the development of their communities. Development, new technologies, and the in-house innovation process (SDG 5 and SDG 11) will be rewarded.
